4 Ways to Get Consistent Clients Without the Hustle and Burnout

Spark Curiosity in Your Website Visitors

If you’re looking to update your website copy, but you don’t know what’s working on your website, you need to know where people’s attention is starting to wane.

Refine Your Website Copy

Grab your visitors' attention without cheap persuasion tactics to grow your audience and your business.

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    Max Sheffield

    Copywriter + Content Strategist

    Who am I?

    I work with organizations and service providers who are changing lives and communities by infusing my copy with empathy and leveraging the stories of clients to unravel what’s possible. I believe in aspirational, not agitational copy that makes people feel seen and not sold to.

    I know from working with my clients that you can have a thriving org without relying on persuasion tactics that shortcut informed consent. Your clients should be excited and energized at the idea of working with you, not filled with regret for making a decision that they weren’t sure about.

    What will you learn?

    • Build the customer journey into your website copy
    • Up-level your copy confidence so you can resonate powerfully with your ideal audience
    • Reduce bounce/exit and keep people engaged
    • Audit your website and shape it into the foundation of your marketing that helps you to hit your growth goals